My Flight Journal

Friday, October 22, 2004 8:29pm

Got my XC's figured out I think. This weekend I'm going from SFB-CGC (Crystal River). That's only gonna give me between 1.5 and 2 hrs. I can stretch that out by practicing slow flight and other maneuvers during the trip.

Then I plan to get the balance in one very long trip. Going Sanford - Leesburg - Ocala - Gainseville - Palatka - St. Augustine - Sanford, with landings at Gainesville and St. Aug.

Between those two, I should be able to get 5 hrs. And then I'll need another 2.5 of dual to get ready for the checkride. Firgure that's 2 flights. Kinda neat to be able to see some light at the end of the tunnel finally. Only taken me a year and a half (or 4 depending if you want to count being sidelined by kidney stone problems for 2.5 years). Should be taking the checkride with a little less than 60 hrs in my logbook. Which is more than I'd wanted but considering I went for months without flying at all several times, that's not that bad.

I probably just jinxed myself by writing this.

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  1. In the beginning   (pages 1 - 5)   6. Hurricane Season Begins   (pages 42 - 47)
  2. Pre-Solo   (pages 6 - 21)   7. Hurricane Season Ends   (pages 48 - 54)
  3. First Solo!   (pages 22 - 26)   8. Solo Cross-Countries   (pages 55 - 58)
  4. First Night XC   (pages 27 - 32)   9. Checkride!   (page 59)
  5. Longest Flight Yet   (pages 33 - 41)  
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