My Flight Journal
Monday, June 2, 2003 1:19pm
Looks like we're into the typical Florida summer weather cycle: beautiful in the morning and thunderstorms in the afternoon.
The t-storms are carrying over into the evenings right now and will continue to do so for the forcastable future.
If I were a morning person I might consider getting up early and flying then.
Chapters: | |||||||
1. In the beginning | (pages 1 - 5) | 6. Hurricane Season Begins | (pages 42 - 47) | ||||
2. Pre-Solo | (pages 6 - 21) | 7. Hurricane Season Ends | (pages 48 - 54) | ||||
3. First Solo! | (pages 22 - 26) | 8. Solo Cross-Countries | (pages 55 - 58) | ||||
4. First Night XC | (pages 27 - 32) | 9. Checkride! | (page 59) | ||||
5. Longest Flight Yet | (pages 33 - 41) |