My Flight Journal

Friday, May 30, 2003 8:33pm

I just landed from my second flight, this one was 1.3hrs.

Did some power off stalls (I need to work on that), turns around a point, rectangular course, and s-turns across a road.

With a 15kt wind.

Which I'm glad we had since that is the purpose of the exercises.

The s-turns were fun. My CFI told me to just concentrate on flying the maneuver and not to worry about holding altitude since they're trickier than the other exercises we had been doing. I made a decent s-turn - nothing to brag about - but when I completed it my instructor told me I had maintained +/- 50ft through the whole thing. Heh!

The winds were gusting to 20kts so my instructor thought it best that he handle the landings today. He also said he thought I'd be ready to solo in 3 or 4 more flights. I find that hard to believe but who am I to argue?

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  1. In the beginning   (pages 1 - 5)   6. Hurricane Season Begins   (pages 42 - 47)
  2. Pre-Solo   (pages 6 - 21)   7. Hurricane Season Ends   (pages 48 - 54)
  3. First Solo!   (pages 22 - 26)   8. Solo Cross-Countries   (pages 55 - 58)
  4. First Night XC   (pages 27 - 32)   9. Checkride!   (page 59)
  5. Longest Flight Yet   (pages 33 - 41)  
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